Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How Long She'll Last in This World

Backcountry Emigrant Gap

"I thought we fell asleep
austere and isolated-

two frogs calling across Rock Lake.

By morning, deer prints
in the black ground between our tents-

more lives move beside us
than we know.

I chose this particular poem because it reminds me so much as when we would go to San Isidro Mexico to visit family. My great grandmothers house was a one bedroom home so not all of us were able to sleep inside. My mother would set up tents for us outside every night. While we laid there we could hear everything, from the dogs barking to the howls of the wolves from the mountain that was across the street. After reading this poem, I can imagine all the animals or creatures that might have walked right by our tents while we were alseep. What also comes to mind are the people from other countries that are at different time zones than us so they are awake while we are asleep. It amazing how the world functions.

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